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2 Jan

Colan, Peru

1. Pisco

2. Azucar

3. Leche

4. Miel de algarrobo
Black carrob tree honey extract


1 Jan

Colan, Peru

 Seco de chabelo
Peruvian dish that has plantains, dried beef, onions, aji…  

Aguacate relleno con camarones
Shrimp-filled avocado 

Picante de camarones
Peruvian-style spicy shrimp with rice 

Pilsen Callao
Pilsen Callao, Peruvian beer 

Ceviche, tamal verde y jugo de tamarindo
Ceviche, green tamale and tamarind juice 


28 Dec


Rest. Mavery
Lima, Peru

Empanada de choclo
Super-sized-peruvian-corn empanada

Inca Kola
Inca Kola: One of the many incredible peruvian sodas…